I haven't been active on this site for a long time, but I have been active in the retro programming and homebrewing scene lately!
Over the past few months I learned BASIC as well as 6502 assembly and got busy making some cool games for the Atari 2600 and Commodore 64 systems.
So far I did the programming for Good Deal Games' new cartridge release "Lava Trip", made ports of Duck and Cover for the 2600 and C64, and programmed multiple mini-games for the C64.
You can find footage of Lava Trip in action here, as well as the source code for my other games here and here.
I made my Atari 2600 games using an awesome programming language called batari Basic, I highly recommend it to anyone interested in retro game development.
As for my Commodore 64 games, I designed and implemented a custom Lisp-like programming language that compiles to 6502 assembly. I programmed Duck and Cover as well as my mini-games entirely in this language, and the source code for the compiler is available here.
Here is a photo of Duck and Cover running on my real Commodore 64:
And here is a GIF of one of the mini-games in action:
I've been having a lot of fun programming for these retro systems, and I plan on publishing some homebrews to Newgrounds using Javascript emulators in the future!
Thanks for reading and happy holidays!
Super cool stuff! And yesssss, video pinball.
Thanks! There are some awesome pinball simulators on retro systems, my personal favourite is "Midnight Magic" on Atari 2600.